Our Events

Wellness Fair w/schedule

Wellness Fair w/schedule

Date: Sunday, September 10th

Time: 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM

(Doors open at 10:30 AM)

Tickets: $40 per person (Free Entry for kids 12 and under)

Location: 1132 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA

What to bring: Yoga mat, water bottle, journal, anything you’d like to add to the ceremonial altar, dancing shoes 

Shakedown Street: Open to the Public (outside behind the building)


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Yoga with Christopher Peña

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch Break (Salads and Sandwiches from Birchtree Bread Co.)

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Cacao Circle with Rachel Goldberg & Ceremony with SFTP

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Shakedown Break

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Ecstatic Dance with Dustin Rosata

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Ceremonial Sounds & Move and Groove Yoga with Cote Shaw & Kelsey Jean Hristova from Ritual Yoga Studio

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Open Mic with Lily & Shanti

Live painting by Ryan Gardell

Vendors: Takes a Hike Creations, Soulight Rising, Kinetic Auras, Embodied Living, and Majestic Pineapple with their “Splattah Room”

You know the tribe, you know the vibe.

And if you’ve yet to meet this collective of lovebugs, get ready for some big ol’ hugs.

Because in the realm of homies, nobody is a stranger.

Unconditional acceptance is a game-changer.

May you feel safe to surrender to the flow,

as the expanded container sets your spirit a glow.

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A Spring Equinox Invitation

A Spring Equinox Invitation

Oak Flat is a site sacred to Apache & other Native Peoples, located an hour east of Phoenix Arizona. This holy place of worship and connection is currently under threat of decimation as international mining company, Resolution Copper seeks access to the copper deposits located below Oak Flat deep within the womb of the Earth, through “block cave mining” 7,000 feet deep, which would leave a sink hole where Oak Flat now lives, breathes, holds space, & witnesses.

Apache-Stronghold is a 501(3) nonprofit community dedicated to defending holy sites and protecting the sacred. They have been working tirelessly to defend Oak Flat.

And we have decided as we invite the Spring’s return with 108 Sun Salutations, our prayer, we rise in solidarity with Apache-Stronghold.

Tonight’s event is intended to spread awareness and inspire prayer & action. Those feeling called to join may tune in on Twitch or in-person. See our website for links.

Donations may be made through SFTP via our website or PayPal at support@shamanismforthepeople.com
Or to Apache-Stronghold directly. See apache-stronghold.com for the link.

Thank you to Apache-Stronghold for the use of this beautiful photo of Oak Flat.

And big love to our friends for alerting us to this threat to sacred land.

Keep spreading awareness, community. May we place Oak Flat on the altar as we pray.

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Cacao Ceremony, Ecstatic Dance, & Sound Healing

Cacao Ceremony, Ecstatic Dance, & Sound Healing

We are delighted to return to Cambridge Dance Complex in collaboration with Ecstatic Dance MA, and…

First time collab as a team with Pharaoh Essentials! 🥳 ✨ 💚

The vision we’ve been weaving in service to this event has been so potent & pure. Straight from our hearts. Here’s what we’ve been conjuring:

Cacao Ceremony will begin at 3:55pm, and we’ve been feeling into the theme of Self-Love for this one. What does Self-Love mean to you? What does it look like? Maybe it’s wild & raw surrender to dance in front of the studio mirrors…

If so, this is the perfect event for such expression. After Cacao circle, we’ll carry the energy of Self-Love into our Ecstatic Dance as Dustin plays his signature rhythms and waves of sound, unlocking states of bliss and passion.

And at 5:25, Pharaoh Essentials will assist us in our integration through her gift of Sound Healing. The perfect way to settle back into stillness, relaxation, peace, & breath.

The event will wrap at 5:45pm, and we’re thinking we’ll all want to nourish our bodies, so after-party at Life Alive? 🤤

Can you tell we’re excited? 🤩 How does it get better than this??

This event usually sells out, so be sure to grab tickets in advance. 🎟️ You can find a link to order tickets through our website (link in bio). See you there!

[The Cacao we are serving is Ceremonial Grade from @kakaodrinkingchocolate. We’ll be preparing the Signature Blend, which consists of Cacao Chuncho (the strain of Cacao native to Peru), as well as Panela, Vanilla Bean, & Chile. This blend is dairy-free. If you’d like to learn more, feel free to stop by the “Meet the Community” tab on our website. We have a link to KAKAO under “Makers & Creators,” along with a code for 10% off your first order (COMMUNITY108). Please do not hesitate to contact us ahead of time with any additional questions you may have about this heart-opening Spirit-nourishing plant medicine. 🌱]

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Cacao, Ecstatic Dance, & Kirtan

Cacao, Ecstatic Dance, & Kirtan

Come join us & Ecstatic Dance Mass on December 10th as we open our hearts, nourish our spirits, and surrender to the wild nature within through ceremony and ecstatic dance. 🌕 🐺

Order tickets through Ecstatic Dance Mass, and be sure to use the code “community108” for $5 off!

See you there!

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The Artist's Way Creative Cluster Week #3

The Artist's Way Creative Cluster Week #3

We’re coming up on Week 3 of Wellness Wednesday’s “The Artist’s Way” Creative Cluster! 🙌

Congratulations to everyone who has taken the leap into this path toward Wellness. Wellness cultivated through nurturing the Inner Creative. 🎉💪🎉

Some updates:
- ✍️ Last week we talked about agility with the “rules.” In this Creative Cluster, pages don’t have to be written in the morning. Some is more than none. And 3 pages is not a requirement. Bullet points and lists count as well.
- 🌀 Rachel led the group through the “Coaching the Gremlin” exercise, helping us to embrace the Inner Critic as an energetic powerhouse that just needs to be given (and reminded of) an updated job.
- 🍵 Chris is going to guide us through R.A.I.N. this coming Wednesday, where we’ll be taking last week’s Gremlin a step further. Inviting it to tea. 😘

Feel free to catch up on our Twitch channel! The streams stay up for 2 weeks.

Let us know in the comments any updates, wins, shifts you’ve experienced! We’re a team, and we love to celebrate one another. 🎊 🥳 👏

And as *synchronicity* would have it, this coming Wednesday falls on the Full Moon in Gemini, so we’ll be bringing plenty of cacao and dancing into the night with Dustin’s beats. 🎧 Who remembers what intentions you set at the New Moon in Gemini back in May? Bring out the journals!
📓 🌕 🐺

Let’s get weird. 🫠

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The Artist’s Way Creative Cluster

The Artist’s Way Creative Cluster

To say we are grateful for Artifakt Supply is an understatement. Grateful, humbled, honored. To have a venue in which to host sacred space at no charge to our guests is a rare opportunity. Thank you for the trust and belief in our vision. 🙏

Since its inception at the Creative Zone in Boston in July 2019, Wellness Wednesday has been a free and/or donation-based event. Purely in service to the community. Our muse.

While we embraced the shift to the virtual space last year, turning our living rooms into yoga studios, we missed the in-person connection.

Which is why we are delighted to announce this next iteration of Wellness Wednesday. An in-person/virtual hybrid.

We’ve expanded our devotion to wellness as well to include Spiritual & Creative health, which is how the Artist’s Way Creative Cluster materialized. Once a vision through our third eyes, now a rooted reality.

Join us tomorrow as we host the first official meeting of the Creative Cluster.

And if you are not local to New England, we’ll also be streaming the event live on Twitch. All are welcome to join.

We are also open to seeing how this weekly event shape shifts. If you aren’t up for reading the book, but you’d like to come chill on the couch at Artifakt and just BE, maybe draw or write surrounded by creative energy, you are more than welcome to do so.

And if the group decides yoga is calling, Chris is more than happy to offer some mellow flow vibes after circle/book club discussion.

We’ll also bring a thermos of ceremonial cacao from Kakao Drinking Chocolate to assist us into the heart space where creativity knows no fear. Only love. 💚 If the cacao calls to you, we do ask that you bring your own mug and a $5 donation.

Also, while the book club aspect offers structure, know that there is no ahead or behind. We’ll be discussing Week 1 tomorrow, though you are welcome to jump in the wave at any time.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. Looking forward to circling up with you tomorrow!

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The Artist’s Way Launch Party

The Artist’s Way Launch Party

With gratitude & respect to all previous iterations,

it is our honor to announce the return of Wellness Wednesday.

From Chris’ & Shanti’s space-holding & guidance at the Creative Zone in Boston, 🧘‍♀️ to the beautiful virtual facilitation by Tara through 2021, we have been blessed as a community with pure generosity of Spirit and willingness to serve. Thank you, Facilitators. 🙏 You have nurtured, nourished, and strengthened this community. We feel safe exploring various healing modalities within the container of Wellness Wednesday, thanks to your call to service. You showed up straight from the heart.

Our gratitude & respect for all previous iterations extends to our guests & attendees as well. Whether you showed up in-person, virtually, or both, you co-created unique moments in time with us. You gifted the space your presence. Your expression. Your love for the people. You give us reason to host these events. Our deepest gratitude and love to you shining souls. 🙏 ✨ 🙏 You are the Muse for all of this.

In service to that spark within 🔥, we are delighted to offer:

The Wellness Wednesday 4.0
Launch Party

- Wednesday, November 16th
- 6:30-8:30 pm: Ceremony & introduction to The Artist’s Way, streaming live from SFTP’s Twitch debut: twitch.tv/shamanism4theppl
- 8:30-10:00pm: DJ set with Dustin streaming live from twitch.tv/dustydigital.

You can also tune in directly through our website.

If you are joining for ceremony, we’ll be welcoming in Kakao Drinking Chocolate. (If you’d like to order some for future ceremony, use coupon code COMMUNITY108 at check out.) And if you don’t have ceremonial cacao available at this time, feel free to prepare a tea you connect with or a glass of water to activate. Any preferred ceremonial beverage.

After ceremony, we will flow into an introduction to the Artist’s Way and a Q&A. Like an Artist’s Way orientation before we officially get started.

And starting at 8:30pm, we will celebrate our commitment & devotion to the healthy thriving artists within by surrendering to Dustin’s DJ set. 🪩

We looking forward to vibing with you in a new yet familiar container. ✨

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September Wellness Fair

September Wellness Fair

We are stoked to announce our return to Artifakt Supply for the 2nd Annual September Wellness Festival! 🎉

Big love to the Artifakt Supply team for hosting. 🫶 We opened such a potent in portal in the space last year, it’ll be cool to see how it feels to tap back in.

We have a beautiful agenda planned for the day.

Jordan & Wisty will be kicking off the event at 10:00am with a two-hour breathwork journey.

We’ll break for lunch at noon (we are finalizing details around food. We shall share more soon), and then flow into our next offering…

1:00pm - 2:00pm, Audrey is offering Yoga for the Season, preparing our bodies, minds, & Spirits for the autumnal shift.

Rachel will be serving ceremonial cacao once yoga concludes, and we will enjoy a circle share session until 4:00pm.

Chris will be debuting his Qi Gong teacher wisdom as he guides us through a 45-minute practice, as we flow right into…

Ecstatic Dance with DJ Dustin from 5:00pm-7:00pm.

And Shanti will bring it on home from 7:00pm - 8:00pm with an Open Mic, so feel free to bring instruments, poems, your imagination, anything you might wish to express. We are here to witness and celebrate your spark. 🔥

We are working out some other details (perhaps a crafts corner for kiddos), and will announce more as we go. 🙏

The link for tickets is in our bio! Also, the outside vendor area is open to the public & free to explore, so if you want to come chill in the back, do some shopping, and watch artists spray paint walls, you are more than welcome. 🎨

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. We are here to serve. ✨

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Cacao, Kirtan, Ceremony, & Ecstatic Dance

Cacao, Kirtan, Ceremony, & Ecstatic Dance

New Moon ✅
Cacao ✅
Ceremony ✅
Beach ✅
Ecstatic Dance ✅
Community ✅

Let’s goooooo!

We are so excited to be reuniting with Ecstatic Dance MA & Wisty Heart for a Castle Island throw down.

Wisty was our inspiration for envisioning Kirtan this Saturday. Remember when she invited us to activate our voices at the Cambridge Dance Complex back in April? And the angelic choir of community rang out.

Let’s do it again.

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Cacao, Creativity, & Connection

Cacao, Creativity, & Connection

Come join us on Saturday, February 5th at 10:00am as we sip ceremonial cacao and surrender to the muse together.

Feel free to bring your journal, sketch pad, headphones, yoga mat, oracle decks, markers, paint, instruments… whatever taps you into your flow. And if you just want to drink cacao and chat, that’s cool too.

We like to think of this event as an experiment. What happens when we get a group of like-hearted people in a sacred creative space, sip on medicine, and stir the pot? Maybe collaborations will take root. Maybe bands will form. Maybe we’ll spontaneously bust out into ecstatic dance or Kirtan. Who knows? Anything is possible.

Let’s jam.

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Elevate & Create Sesh, Yoga & Sound Healing

Elevate & Create Sesh, Yoga & Sound Healing

We are returning to the Artifakt Supply temple this Saturday for our monthly collaboration with Elevate & Create Art!

Come join the Sangha for a ceremonial sesh, an all-levels yoga flow with Chris, and sound healing channeled through the mystical Journey Drum.

Hope to see you there! ✌️

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